Schedule - Week 01
Schedule - Week 02
Schedule - Week 03
Schedule - Week 04
Schedule - Week 05
Schedule - Week 06
Schedule - Week 07
Schedule - Week 08
Schedule - Week 09
Schedule - Week 10
Schedule - Week 11
Schedule - Week 12
Schedule - Week 13
Schedule - Week 14
Schedule - Week 15
Schedule - Week 16

Schedule: Week 12









July 17



-          [Eye glasses incident]

July 18

5:30 ~ 11:30


-          Continued writing algorithms.

-          Finished coding a look up table for a case 2 tetrahedron (in terms of orientation) for finding the two points on the tetrahedron between which the maximum thickness takes place.

July 19

12 ~ 7

3 ~ 3:30

-          Finished coding and testing vuVertexPool

-          Started coding vuCellProjection

-          Cleaned up some intersection algorithms (i.e. removing duplicate code). They need to be cleaned up further.

-          Verified some mathematical concepts in the Linear Algebra work shop.

-          Wrote up a test case (sample intensities) for vuVoxel/tetrahedra triangulation.

July 20

2pm ~ 10


-          Coded the test case for a simple two voxel data set (not yet integrated into the program).

-          Wrote a good portion of vuCellProjection

-          Added a feature that drew vertex labels for each tetrahedron. Using this feature, it is easy to see which edges (defined by vertices) intersect in 2D for case 2 tetrahedra.

-          Started rewriting the project outline. The tetrahedra now have the correct indices in the diagrams. Incorrect algorithms were also corrected.

July 21

7pm ~ 10


-          Got my project so far to compile at home (it took some manual changes in XF86Config)

-          Continued rewriting the project outline. For ease of reference, I will need to copy and paste some algorithms from the comments in my code into the outline.

July 22

11:30 ~ 6:30pm

9pm ~ 1am

1 ~ 1:30

5 ~ 5:30

-          Removed all rotated attributes from vuTetrahedron since they were redundant.

-          Found a nasty bug in vuVector; the row and column indices were flipped during matrix-vector multiplication.

-          Added a feature that color coded the faces of the tetrahedral; I made sure that the orientation of each tetrahedron is calculated correctly. I tried many cases, and the results seem to be fine.

-          Added a feature that can puzzle together a voxel tetrahedron by tetrahedron. The tetrahedra are color coded for ease of reference.

-          Finished tabulating the cases for the front-to-back ordering of tetrahedra (minimal tetrahedralization).

July 23

2 ~ 7pm

11pm ~ 1:30am


-          Compared the complexity of rotating all the vertex locations and then doing the triangulation vs no rotations. It seems much more efficient to rotate the vertex locations if they are shared.

-          Started restructuring my classes so that the vertex locations are shared among tetrahedral and triangles.

-          Found a solution to the problem of passing into a function a pointer to an array of pointers (use “typedef”s)


Tai Meng | 孟泰 | Last Updated: May 01, 2013