-Started writing a paper outlining the exact algorithms and
steps needed to be taken in order to finish the first project
(cell projection).
June 13
12 ~ 11
1 ~ 2
-Finished the paper / plan for the first project.
June 14
12 ~ 4
-Meeting with Torsten and Hamish. Presented them with my
paper / plan for the first project.
June 15
June 16
June 17
5 ~ 11
-Following the plan, writing classes.
-Made templates for vuVolume class headers and cpp files.
June 18
2 ~ 11
-Researched on 3D arrays VS 1D arrays in implementing the
vertex and voxel pools. 1D will be used because of the need to
index vertices and voxels later. Also 1D is faster than 3D.