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vuVolume Notes
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vuVolume SDK:

  • It is a good idea to check that OpenGL is installed on the computer you are working on. To do that, write a simple OpenGL program, compile it, and run it. If everything works out, great. If not, you could either install it yourself, or compile and run vuGui over the network via the following command:

    > ssh -X wien

    the "-X" enables graphical displays over the ssh connection.

  • The most recent version of the SDK can be checked out using the following command:

    > cvs -d /cs/fac1/torsten/cvsroot checkout .

    where the "." means the current directory. The above command will download the entire vuVolume SDK to your current working directory.

    I ran into the problem that the current version was not working (this shouldn't happen again). In that case, it is probably best to ask around in the lab to see who has a working version, and then recursively copy (use the "cp -r" command) the working version to your directory. Also notify the person responsible for bugtracking.

  • After copying a working version of the SDK, changes must be made to a file called "make.env". "make.env" is located in the top-level folder "proj".

    Line 16: NVIDIA_EXT = NO
    If you are unsure what video card is in your computer. If YES is chosen, segmentation fault may result.

    Line 44: change SRCDIR to the directory where "make.env" resides.

    Other changes may be necessary. And you may have to type in "make" twice to have vuVolume installed.

vuVolume tree briefs:

  • Basically, each folder is a node, and each .cpp/.h file is a leave. The root is vuVolume, whose children are all geometric nodes such as "regular" and "irregular", as described by the vuVolume documentation.

Tai Meng | 孟泰 | Last Updated: May 01, 2013