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vuVolume Notes
Tar & gzip
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Important Directories


ssh, scp (secure copy) & ftp / get

  • To ssh from outside SFU, under linux:

    > ssh dogwood.css.sfu.ca
    > ssh praha

    The double ssh is necessary due to network security. Praha can be replaced by any other machine name.

    Note: some time, you must login as root to be able to ssh.

  • To ssh from outside SFU, under windows, from the command line:

    > telnet fraser.sfu.ca

    Login, and

    > ssh dogwood.css.sfu.ca
    > ssh praha

  • To ssh with X-windows display enabled (at SFU):

    > ssh -X praha

    Or (assuming you are sitting at "chief"),

    > xhost + praha
    > ssh praha
    > setenv DISPLAY chief:0.0

  • To download a directory or file from outside SFU:
    1) ssh to the desired machine
    2) tar and gzip the directory or file
    3) > telnet fraser.sfu.ca (and login)
    4) go to the desired directory
    4) to secure-copy the zipped file to the current directory:

    > scp <username>@<machine>:fileName localFileName

    For example:

    > scp user@dogwood.css.sfu.ca:test.gz test.gz

    5) Now use your favorite ftp program to download the *.gz file

    Or (if only the ftp command is available)

    > cd into the directory that you want to download to
    > ftp fraser.sfu.ca (and login)
    > cd <desiredDirectory> For example: > cd test/dir2/
    > BIN (set download mode to binary)
    > get <file>.gz For example: > get test.gz

    Note, to get a directory, type in > get dir

Tai Meng | 孟泰 | Last Updated: May 01, 2013