tar & gzip
To zip up an entire directory, go to its parent directory, then
> tar cvf <outputFileName>.tar <directory>
For example:
> tar cvf test.tar myDir
To zip up files, go to the directory where the files belong, and
type in:
> tar cvf <outputFileName>.tar <file1> <file2> ...
For example:
>tar cvf test.tar file1.txt file2.jpg file3.png
"Tar" only groups the files together, but does not compress them.
To compress, type in:
> gzip <tarFile>.tar
For example:
> gzip test.tar
And test.tar.gz will be outputted.
To unzip test.tar.gz, type in:
> gunzip test.tar.gz
And the file test.tar will be extracted.
To untar test.tar, type in:
> tar xvf test.tar