Tutorial on "tmake", which generates a makefile when
you provide it with a simple script.
In any console or terminal type:
> emacs ~/.mylogin &
or open up ./mylogin (located in your home directory)
any other way in an editor.
Add to .mylogin:
setenv TMAKEPATH /net/wien/software/linux/share/tmake/linux-g++/
Note1: the above should be one line.
An example. Go to your desired directory, and type in:
> mkdir test
> cd test
> emacs test.pro &
*.pro is the extension for tmake script files.
Type in (or copy and paste):
CONFIG = opengl warn_on debug glui
LIBS += -L/net/wien/software/linux/lib -lglut -lglui
INCLUDEPATH += /net/wien/software/linux/include
SOURCES = vuMatrix.cpp vuVector.cpp vuTriangle.cpp
TARGET = test
Download this file and
extract the content (the files specified in the SOURCES line
above) into the directory "test".
To generate the makefile, in the console, type in:
> tmake -o makefile tetrahedron.pro
Now, to make, simply type in
> make