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Singing & Recitation

Somebody once said that I sang like Pavarotti. Well, that's not quite true. Hope you'll enjoy some pieces here and maybe even send me some words of encouragement =)

And I've also made recordings of recitations. It's kind of like singing, except you can put even more energy and passion into reciting, and the adrenaline rush you get is pretty incredible!

English Recitation

Clip From "American Beauty".mp3 | text
Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night.mp3 | text

Mandarin Recitation

Trip.mp3 | text

French Recitation

Prologue From "Beauty and the Beast".mp3 | text
Le Violon Rouge (from French Public Speaking).mp3 | text

English Songs

The Rose.mp3 | lyrics
She.mp3 | lyrics
Can You Feel The Love Tonight.mp3 | lyrics
Perdere l'Amore.mp3 | English lyrics | Italian lyrics | midi

Mandarin Songs

Qing Zang Gao Yuan.mp3 | lyrics
Gu Xiang De Yun (clip).mp3 | lyrics

French Songs

Dire (clip).mp3 | lyrics | midi
Quand on a que l'Amore (clip).mp3 | lyrics | midi
S'il Suffisait (clip).mp3 | lyrics | midi

Italian Songs

Il Mondo è Mio (clip).mp3 | lyrics | midi

Spanish Songs

Otro Amor Vendra (clip).mp3 | lyrics


Tai Meng | 孟泰 | Last Updated: May 12, 2019