Our Approach
Critical Evaluation
Some Diagrams
Future Work


Used during this project

The Visulization Toolkit 2nd Edition. Will Schroeder, Ken Martin, Bill Lorensen. 1998

A Polygonal Approximation to Direct Scalar Volume Rendering. Peter Shirley, Allan Tuchman. 24 (5), pp. 63-70, 1990.

Simplicial Subdivisions and Sampling Artifacts. Hamish Carr, Torsten Möller, Jack Snoeyink, Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2001, pp. 99-108, October 2001.

Used before this project began

Efficient subdivision of finite-element datasets into consistent tedrahedra. Guy Albertelli and Roger A. Crawfis. Vis 97, 213 - 219

Introduction to Volume Rendering. Barthold Lichtenbelt, Randy Crane, Shaz Naqvi. 1998 by Hewlett-Packard Company. (available at the SFU library)

Back-to-front display of voxel-based objects. Gideon Frieder, Dan Gordon, and Anthony Reynolds. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 5(1):52-60 January 1985


Tai Meng | 孟泰 | Last Updated: May 01, 2013