Stage 2 (Feb 12 ~ Feb 18) Schedule
Shameel (Midterm on Feb 17 & 18):
Model a crude explosion in Maya and send rendered images to Tai
and Elissa by Feb 12 [done]
Research on compositing rendered layers in Maya, compile
findings into a step-by-step tutorial (or give a link to one),
and present it during group meeting on Feb 15. This step
will make simultaneous renderings of the explosion sequences
easier in the future. [deferred]
Give everyone access to his ftp server which will be used as
temporary storage of project files by Feb 15
Meet with Tai and Theresa to discuss how to model the character so
that setup would be easy later. Meet on Feb 12 @ 4:30pm
in library
Model the key-frames in the storyboard with i.e. 2 boxes and 1 plane. One box represents the factory and
one box represents the skittle. The plane represents the ground.
Position the cameras as described by the storyboard. If
possible, please insert the key-frames at the correct frame
positions (i.e. 2nd key-frame starts at the 3rd second
=> the 90th frame). These renderings are for layout and
position purposes only. Can also replace the boxes with the actual
models if we have them done. Send the 9 renderings to Tai and Elissa by
Feb 15 [done]
Create PowerPoint presentation by Feb 17
Find relevant sound clips by Feb 18
Calculate rough rendering times by Feb 14
Meet with Terence and Theresa to discuss how to model the
character so that setup would be easy later. Meet on Feb 12
@ 4:30pm in the MTF
Model the skittle's arms and legs and send them to Theresa by
Feb 14 [done]
Edit the PowerPoint presentation and sync it with the storyboard
online by Feb 17 [done]
Update project web page by Feb 17 [done]
Review PowerPoint presentation and web page with Elissa on Feb
18 [done]
Elissa (Midterm on Feb 18):
Sketch the factory on paper to aid the modeling process by
Feb 12
Model the m&m factory in Maya and send it to Shameel by Feb 16 [done]
Review PowerPoint presentation and web page with Tai on Feb 18 [done]
Theresa (Midterm on Feb 13):
Meet with Tai and Terence to discuss how to model the character so
that setup would be easy later. Meet on Feb 12 @ 4:30pm
in library
Look into inserting "pointers" to models in scene files so that
separate animation/rendering would become much easier in the
future by Feb 16 [deferred]
Model in Maya the skittle's face & body and incorporate the arms
and legs from Tai. Send rendered images of the model in jpg format
to Tai and Elissa by Feb 16 [done]