Schedule - Week 01
Schedule - Week 02
Schedule - Week 03
Schedule - Week 04
Schedule - Week 05
Schedule - Week 06
Schedule - Week 07
Schedule - Week 08
Schedule - Week 09
Schedule - Week 10
Schedule - Week 11
Schedule - Week 12
Schedule - Week 13
Schedule - Week 14
Schedule - Week 15
Schedule - Week 16

Schedule: Week 02









May 8

11:30 ~ 6

1:30 ~ 2

-          Finished reading the vuVolume documentation. Read up on makefiles and understood the structure of the vuVolume SDK.

-          Documented a lot of the “hiccups” encountered so far and published them online.

-          4:00 ~ 6:00 moving furniture and cleaning the lab.

May 9

10 ~ 12


-          Finished reading “A Polygonal Approximation to Direct Scalar Volume Rendering”. Had some trouble understanding the view matrix.

-          Started reading up on VTK.

May 10

12 ~ 6


-          2:00 meet at Newmic downtown. The fog and rain affects are quite good on some games, although they seemed to be moving in different directions. Some games, such as Luigi’s Mansion, had noticeable aliasing.

-          Met with Hamish, who clarified the first part of my duties—implementing a cell projector that uses various tedrahedralation techniques.

May 11

3 ~ 4


-          Updated the structure of this section of my web site.

-          Looked online about glui installation and Visual C++ tutorials.

May 12

2 ~ 10

6 ~ 6:30

-          Only one computer with Windows 2000 was working today. After some research online, I installed GLUT and GLUI for Microsoft Visual C++.

-          I read through some online tutorials for Visual C++, and eventually was able to compile one-file programs.

-          I tried to convert two of my CMPT361 projects, a 2D and a 3D Tetris game into VC++ compatible format. After a long time of debugging, the 2D version finally ran. The 3D version ran but had memory referencing errors.

May 13

11:30 ~ 6

1 ~ 1:30

-          Outlined a step-by-step tutorial for compiling and running GLUT/GLUI projects under Microsoft Visual C++, which can be found under week 02’s notes.

-          Downloaded and extracted MinGnu, which will be used instead of Visuall C++ on the Windows machines.

-          Got both of my GLUT/GLUI projects (2D and 3D Tetris games) to compile and run on Linux.

May 14

3 ~ 6


-          Was sick so stayed and worked a bit at home

-          Finalized and uploaded the VC++ tutorial

-          Read up on C++. Need to be more familiar with inheritance.


Tai Meng | 孟泰 | Last Updated: May 01, 2013